Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mean Girls? how to deal with them.

Mean Girls are everywhere, you can spot them in every corner in your campus. They enjoy gossiping about others and sometimes when you bumped them unintentionally, they will automatically give you withering looks. They feel that they are the most popular girls in school, they try to get your attention by wearing high class fashionable clothes, using the latest cellphone and worst she might steal your boyfriend.

1. MEAN GIRLS says I'm Pretty.

  • they feel that they are the most prettiest girls in school because they spent most of their time looking at the mirror and putting some make-up. They loved to make lait on others' appearance and you can spot them at the mall particularly at the department stores.

How to deal?

  • Never let them see you being affected on what they say. it is important that you knew yourself most. just ignore them!

2. MEAN GIRLS says I'm Smart

  • Smarts tend to be popular after receiving lots of recognition and because of that mean girls might grab that oppurtunity to be mean at you. They always want to be the center of attraction during class discussions, and probably they always want to be the leader because of this you might feel that you are worthless in the group.

How to deal?

  • Always remember that you must stand straight and chin up. Let those mean girls know that you are superior to them, why don't you work hard on school study your lessons 1 week prior your term exam? this might help, i assure you.

to epitome all, teach those mean girls that you are valuable and teach them how to treat you and others, don't let them step on your shoe. don't allow them to be cruel to you!.

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