Monday, July 27, 2009

I did my best, but its not enough!

here is it. after giving your 100% best for that damn certain thing and the result is you FAILED! Yeah. I failed my exam in RLE. (I want to screw myself now for being such a dumb-ass). I abhor failing marks, who wants to have it anyway?

honestly I'm a grade conscious person, every points of my grade counts.. I'm just depressed of seeing your hard worked exam FAILED.
isn't wonderful?! :( aaarghhh!.

I want to cooped myself in a quiet place and start blubbering, but for what?!. I'll just waste my tears coming from my lacrimal duct. tsk. tsk.

I think its just an ordeal given by God. for me to understand more myself. thanks father God. however, I still passed everything. But the sad thing is because of that line of 7 grade. My grade definetly pulled down until I got a prelim grade of 83.77, I passed right? but I'm just aiming more.. that's what I want.

I better study like Einstein. ha ha. or I'll try doing sappy things.?(what do you think)

I hope, I passed all my subjects. :)
if that happens, I deserve a frapuccino.(yummy)

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