Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to manage stress?

Everyday we are been stress because of work, school and personal problems and of course including our external environment. Some of us can't handle our stress. so here are some ways to manage our stress.

1. Time management-
  • it is a must to know how to manage your time, don't waste time in absurd things rather spend it in a productive way. for example you have to submit a case study next week, instead of doing it the day before the submission why don't you do it a week prior submission. i'm sure you will not cram

2. BFF-

  • your BFF can help you to manage your stress, BFF might give advice after sharing the things that made you stress then i'm sure she will help you regarding it.

3. Mall-

  • when we are in the mall we sometimes tend to forget the things that made us stressful its because our attention was hooked on the things that we see, especially during sale.

4. Play your music-

  • play your ipod with refreshing and soft sound music, like the songs of Gary Valenciano.

5. Movie marathon-

  • invite your BFF(s) at your place and watch movie together, it will not just remove your stress but you could build a strong relationship with your friend(s)

6. Sleep-

  • sleeping is still the best and most effective way of relieving stress and it is better if you have complete hours of sleep.

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