Friday, January 1, 2010

my personality

Click to view my Personality Profile page

i was browsing some of my friend's blogs and reading its every blog posts, then i found out this quiz and i get snooped.

below are the results of my quiz. =)

INFJ Career Matches

INFJs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Confidant/Visionary personality.

* Actor
* Alternative Medicine
* Artist
* Child Care Worker
* Child Development
* Chiropractor
* Church Worker
* Clergy
* Computer Programmer
* Computer Specialist
* Consultant

* Dentist
* Designer
* Doctor
* Educational Consultant
* Entrepreneur
* Human Resources
* Lawyer/Attorney
* Librarian
* Marketer
* Missionary
* Musician

* Photographer
* Psychiatrist
* Psychologist/Counselor
* Sales Representative
* Scientist
* Social Worker
* Systems Analyst
* Teacher/Professor
* Trainer
* Writer

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