Friday, January 1, 2010

My Multiple-Intelligence

Click to view my Personality Profile page

here's my another quiz from, based on the result i am predominantly Verbal and Linguistic.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.

Common Characteristics

* Notices grammatical mistakes
* Often speaks of what they have read
* Likes to use "fancy" words
* Loves word games
* Cherishes their book collection
* Easily remembers quotes and famous sayings
* Likes puns and rhymes
* Enjoys writing
* Enjoys foreign language
* Always enjoyed English class

Career Matches

* Writer (any type)
* Editor -i hope so. =)
* Public Speaker
* Politician
* Preacher
* Teacher
* Journalist- proud to be!! haha
* Broadcaster
* English / Writing Tutor
* Actor / Actress - really???


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