Sunday, January 10, 2010

Anticipate the unanticipated!

I woke up at closely 4am to brush my up notes in Health Care and I’ve been hearing comments about my clinical instructor that she always gives low grades to her students and because of that I get anxious. WHEW!

6:20am I arrived to school, which is too early for my 7am class.
And here we go, we're inside the simulation room (demo room) all of us were busy studying for our quiz and demo too.

But all of a sudden one of our clinical instructors announced that our group will perform SPLINTING. And WTF?!!! I’m not geared up for it! As in, I never have it in mind to study coz all I knew is we’ll perform CPR today. My heart keeps on pumping and I’m sure that my blood pressure increase that time and my palms are sweating too. Whew!

I was the 4th one to perform our demo and I’m grateful that notwithstanding of the short time frame I was be able to pass the demo. God Heavens! And now this will dish up as a lesson to me that I need to be prepared at all times and don’t believe in chit-chats about your profs coz if you had a chance to know them, you can bear out that he/she Is not what they think.

Below is my note on my thicker and my C.I. gave comments too.

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