Monday, January 4, 2010

Absolutely bushed!

Back to school!! :|
I woke up past 4 this morning coz I have to re-check my bag again. I rushed my steps and every move so that I would not be late for my 7am class.

God, I was really bushed today! Our discussions in Health Care made me pale and sleepy. Imagine, 4 topics discussed in one day?? Ohhh crap!

Due to this never ending time constraints I wasn’t be able to eat my lunch, that’s why I’ve been suffering from Stomach ache, and I think I’ll gonna die. =(

I received an 11 paged checklist for CPR, Bandaging, Splinting and Evacuation. Ohhh my! I really need to study hard for that and I hope my brain cells will not blow up due to too much studying.

And now I’m blaming myself for not studying or preparing earlier prior this things happened, and of course for wasting my time to absurd things during my Christmas Vacay. What’s the meaning of vacay huh? Is it bad to enjoy even just a short time?
I do wanna cram but I think I can’t get rid of myself to it.

Oh dear God I’m asking for your assistance help me to anticipate these things.
I love you

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