Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is the article that I made and edited by our technical adviser. Honestly I’m afraid to receive criticisms but its part of what we called LIFE, and all you can do is to accept those criticisms. however i deem that it would help me to became a better person as i can be.

Its been a month since I joined CADUCEUS, a prestigious news organization in our university. Working with the staffs is really fun, they helped us as we do all our tasks, and they also guide us in all little or gigantic steps that we take. Nevertheless they taught me how to be good in my craft.

who ever thought that a guy like me has an edge in writing? i know to myself since then that I'm not good in it but i want to prove to those people who sometimes under estimated me that i know how to excel in different things even the toughest one. and thanks to them too because they boosts all my strengths and determination.

And now i challenge all those persons who are afraid of proving something, always remember that you are not doing it for the sake of others, its for your own good.

"If others can, I CAN DO BETTER THAN THEM"
-just keep this in mind. ^^

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Do you want to be buried or cremated?

ohhh my?!! i can't decide... i'm not ready...

ask me anything. =)

..but he said I love you already, actually he is not my Bf ..talagng super gulo.. I said to him na madami girls jan etc. kasi aware ako close sa girls un..Yung first time nagka someone cya, tapos bumalik, then nawala bumalik.cycle.

sorry for the late reply, umm. siguro you need to be sure of your feelings. baka mahal mo na sya na hindi mo namamalayan. and with that you need a full social support...

ask me anything. =)

ever fell in love with a friend whos in a relationship right now?

hmmm. before i think. =)

Hi, what makes you happy?

when i'm with my family and close friends...

Hi Sant! XD Nag-aral ka na ba? LMAO.

hindi pa ehh.. hehe..

Who's the smartest person you know?

hmmm.... albert E?..

ask me anything. =)

Friday, January 15, 2010

I am a Caducean by heart and measures

I hate essays, my sentence structure is not that good and English Class is not even my much loved subject. And now I kept on asking myself why I decided to join Caduceus and be a journalist? In point of fact writing is not my hobby because I find it mind-numbing. Why should I misuse my time of reconstructing sentences and checking grammars? Perchance I can do other things which are more amusing? But when I started to join Caduceus, I learned a lot and I discovered that I have potentials of being a journalist and all I have to do is to improve it. However, I deem that Caduceus is my stepping stone to reinvent myself and bring out the best in me.

During my past few months as a journalist, I have a tremendous experience in dealing with people with complementary personalities and viewpoint in life, from student to professors, professors to school administrators. I was uncovered to the groups of Perpetualites whom I considered a family. Through news writing, it helps me to understand the real value of service. My first reason in joining in the publication is that I want to see my name on publish and others will acknowledge my work. But when I was already part of the Caduceus Family, this discernment was distorted. I learned that I don’t have to be a campus publication member to achieve acknowledgment from others, or to improve my writing skills and verify that I am the best. I’m here in this organization to render service, which is the significant lesson that a journalist must find out.

As a member of this publication, I bump into instances that a average student doesn’t know, and that’s my contractual obligation to notify them. Caduceus educated me to be concerned for others, even those persons whom I don’t care about. Truly, it hurts a lot when I see students who don’t even care to read the issues of CNO and the most awful thing is every now and then they treated it as a junk. But in this case, it gives a gigantic challenge for me, which is to induce these people to care for what is happening around them.

Being a journalist is really hard-hitting. Through your writings you could picture things which were not supposed to be uncovered. And conceivably it’s not that unproblematic as you think. You have to be enthusiastic and well provoked. Writing news is not a trouble-free as what, where, when and how in the story, it has a deeper gist further than that. It must be particular and not foregone conclusion.

CNO was a dream come true for me, I take the qualifying exam though I was on the boarder line and thanks to them for giving me another chance to prove myself. I don’t want to waste the second chance they gave to me; as an alternative, it serves as my fighting strength of mind to do all my errands on time. Interacting and working with CNO Staff was indeed fun, taking into consideration that we have diverse personalities. On the other hand, we are prominent as one. Why? Because our diversity is integrated by one principle. which is SERVICE.

And now I persuade you to adhere in our publication, you have to bear in mind that the staff doesn’t focus at your writing skills or how you can conceptualize and construct your own artwork. You don’t need to be ideal in each photo that you take. What’s even more imperative is to have the heart that will help you to endure in this toxic life. Furthermore, my learning in school doesn’t impound in hefty textbooks and class discussions. Thus my experiences helped me to learn, learn about life and authenticity.

With all the hardships I’ve been through in this organization is not a impediment to stop or be unhappy from what I am doing. Instead I have to be pompous and contented that I have my own family in school that’s eager to offer service to the student body.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

God is Love

In God’s eyes love is never missing and In God’s heart absolution is always achievable.
What is love? Do we really know what the implication of love is? And conceivably most of us tend to make our own characterization about love.

Love is a feeling that you kept on saying that you never feel before. I know you might think that with my first overture, you may bring to a close that I’m pointing out about human relationship, somewhat yes, but the exactness is I’m telling intricately for the indiscriminate gist of LOVE. Which is GOD.

We have dissimilar kinds of love as we all knew, but did we also know how God loves us? Or we just don’t mind it either?

God loves us differently the way we love others, God didn’t love us because of our physical appearance or the affluence that we have. The focal point is God loves us because we are his sons and daughters.

These were just part of the lessons I’ve learned from the past discussions. To specify it more, God created us with his own reflection and resemblance, meaning we must do what he did. And go behind what he does, God gave us life to follow all his commandments and live on it. Not just by vocabulary but by measures.

God has reasons for permitting things to ensue and from time to time if God pushes us to our restrictions, one thing is for sure. HE LOVES US!

Love is the only input to Peace and Prosperity. If love will inculcate in our hearts all the good things will indisputably follow because we started it with God, which is love.

To epitome all, the real meaning of love is GOD. God is the best example of LOVE. Sometimes we may not feel his presence everyday but the fact is GOD is there. He situated himself in our Hearts.


Mom bought me a camera last year as her birthday gift for me. but actually we shared our money for it, Haha. i won't tell the whole story. ^_^

i really love taking pictures, i enjoyed giving my best grin when i am in front of the camera.
Last Monday when I'm studying for CPR i borrowed my lil cuz's doll so that i could practice CPR for an infant victim. then i decided to get my camera and take photo of my cuz's doll.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Anticipate the unanticipated!

I woke up at closely 4am to brush my up notes in Health Care and I’ve been hearing comments about my clinical instructor that she always gives low grades to her students and because of that I get anxious. WHEW!

6:20am I arrived to school, which is too early for my 7am class.
And here we go, we're inside the simulation room (demo room) all of us were busy studying for our quiz and demo too.

But all of a sudden one of our clinical instructors announced that our group will perform SPLINTING. And WTF?!!! I’m not geared up for it! As in, I never have it in mind to study coz all I knew is we’ll perform CPR today. My heart keeps on pumping and I’m sure that my blood pressure increase that time and my palms are sweating too. Whew!

I was the 4th one to perform our demo and I’m grateful that notwithstanding of the short time frame I was be able to pass the demo. God Heavens! And now this will dish up as a lesson to me that I need to be prepared at all times and don’t believe in chit-chats about your profs coz if you had a chance to know them, you can bear out that he/she Is not what they think.

Below is my note on my thicker and my C.I. gave comments too.

ano meaning ng pag magkasama kayo tska lang siya lalambing pag malayo wala na? Zero . Dedma.pero diba sabi wag mag expect kasi la naman commitment. am i expecting too much?

i think yes, siguro u must know how to handle ur emotions. wag mo masyadong isipin na may kahulugan para sa kanya ung mga ginagawa nya. Kung meron man siguro dahil un sa PAGKAKAIBIGAN na nabuo nyo. Sana nakatulong po ako sa iyo kahit papaano.

pano kung sabi ng guy sau na special ka pero di mo naman nararamdamn na special ka pag malayo na ?

the mere fact nasinabihan ka na special ka it means iba ka sa mga kaibigan nya. Mejo angat ung pagtingin nya sa iyo. Siguro ang problem is your bf is vocal, i mean puro salita pero hindi nya ginagawa. (sorry that's juz my opinion, wag ka sana magalit)

ask me anything. =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why are you so studious??? XD

i dunno. Hehe, i abhor it actually but its the only way to make my parents happy.

if you were to name a book about yourself, what would you name it?PS: nope, i'm not that person. hahaha :))

THIN MAN, wahaha coz i'm thin. =)

ask me anything. =)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Be Prolific!

I have no classes today but it’s not an excuse to waste my time, instead I must hoard this time to cease or carry out all the things I have to do.

We’ll have a demo for CPR, Bandaging, Splinting and Evacuation next Monday and in view of the fact that its midterm period we have to work more in our grades diligently.

Yesterday, I was trying to study for my demo but I’m kinda down in the dumps and distressed. I do wanna tell it here coz I know you’ll think that I’m dramatic. Haha. But its okay, I understand perhaps I can’t please everybody.

They mess up my day! That’s why my performance in our P.E. Practical exam gets affected.

Next time I’ll try to study how I could disconnect my emotional feelings to my studies.
I do wanna mess up things all over again!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Absolutely bushed!

Back to school!! :|
I woke up past 4 this morning coz I have to re-check my bag again. I rushed my steps and every move so that I would not be late for my 7am class.

God, I was really bushed today! Our discussions in Health Care made me pale and sleepy. Imagine, 4 topics discussed in one day?? Ohhh crap!

Due to this never ending time constraints I wasn’t be able to eat my lunch, that’s why I’ve been suffering from Stomach ache, and I think I’ll gonna die. =(

I received an 11 paged checklist for CPR, Bandaging, Splinting and Evacuation. Ohhh my! I really need to study hard for that and I hope my brain cells will not blow up due to too much studying.

And now I’m blaming myself for not studying or preparing earlier prior this things happened, and of course for wasting my time to absurd things during my Christmas Vacay. What’s the meaning of vacay huh? Is it bad to enjoy even just a short time?
I do wanna cram but I think I can’t get rid of myself to it.

Oh dear God I’m asking for your assistance help me to anticipate these things.
I love you

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hoard the best for last. =)

Classes will recommence tomorrow, meaning I have new errands to do and conceivably my sched and yours too will indisputably be frantic as what I’ve anticipated.
Welcome to the real world! I’ll be missing all the extreme and not-so-good things I did this entire vacay. Parties, Movie Marathon and Net Surfing – Dang! I’ll be missing it.

And as the classes starts I’ll be badly studying for our demos, quizzes and exams. Haaaist! Strenuous isn’t? Well, I just have to go on with this life!

C’mon let’s enjoy the last day of our vacay.
Have fun. =)

if you were an inanimate object for a day, what would you be and why?PS i'm the same person who asked you recently =)

I will be a chair coz people can always lean on me anytime.
You're Nash right??? =)

ask me anything. =)

Cool MixPod

Hi guys! I added another widget on my blog, coz I want it to look good and better I hope ya like it. =)

I’ve been spending my free day’s net surfing and blogging, which is always on my to-do list, Haha! I’m just enjoying this break because for sure if classes take up again I will be exceedingly busy.

Student Nurse’s life is not that amusing or cool as you think. Short vacays are very imperative for us! We love vacays ‘coz it’s the only time in which we can do whatsoever we want. We pass through to diverse places and party like a rock star!

Let’s enjoy the last hours of our Christmas breaks. =)

Perpetualites shares love this Christmas

“The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all”. ~Leo Rosten

The factual core of Christmas is all about sharing and giving love to others and for Perpetualites Christmas is not inclusive without initiating an event for our adopted communities.

On December 17, 2009 the UPHS Community held their annual outreach program and this vast event was facilitated at UPHS College building Quadrangle. UPHSL staffs, administrators, personnel, students and parents put their gifts collectively and shared it to the community. Mr. Ferdinand C. Somido, School Director and his team are also present in the line up.

Gifts and bags of goods which were given by Ms. Jo Carillo, Director of External Affairs and Mr. Ramon R. Carillo, Board Member 1st district of Laguna. Gifts and goods are disseminated to the families which are packed with toys canned goods, rice, biscuits and other vital home supplies. Additional goods were also given by the compassionate Biñan Bayanihan Lions Club.

To sum up all, goods were more or less 700 in totality and roughly the affair was attended by 300 attendees with diverse families from three communities, which are Barangay San Antonio, Santo Niño and Langkiwa.

Parlor games were also prepared to bestow additional fun to the children of the adopted communities. Furthermore they became extra vigorous when Jollibee danced on stage.

Some of the children in the said adopted communities show cased their talents with confidence and charming movements which also thrilled the audience. Additionally their dynamic participation in different fun games also brought different ambiance in the Gym which is overflowing with enthusiasm and amusement.

The program was definitely a success. The UPHSL Family was all touched by the gratifying smiles of each families.

Friday, January 1, 2010

would you rather: have everything but always greedy and never contented; or have nothing yet remains happy and optimistic? would you mind to state your reason why?PS. i'm not a random person. i know you, and you know me personally =)

i rather choose having nothing yet remains happy and optimistic? para saan pa ang mga bagay na gusto mo at hindi ka makuntento? eh mas ok naman kahit wala ka pero masaya ka. =)
I have an idea of who you are. Hmmm. Lemme guess

ask me anything. =)

Heart Beat: lubb dubb!!!

As I woke up this morning, I looked outside the window and watched the clouds in the sky. I adore its every structure which one way or another illustrates similitude of things.
I contemplate and reflect while I watched its shifting figures and all of a sudden it came to the point that school stuff bombarded my unperturbed mind, I got anxious and bewildered, it was indeed a assorted emotion. I dunno why I’m thinking like this, I can’t recognize myself! I’m not like this before.

possibly I’m too relaxed and i roughly tend to disregard all my responsibilities and duties as a student, and perhaps I’m troubled to face those.

And now I’m starting to study my lessons in advance chiefly for my major subject. Subsequent topics will be CPR, BANDAGING, SPLINTING and EVACUATION. Whew!!

Gotta go now I have lotsa of errands to do. =)
Peace out!

Keep on changing

I’ve been shifting my blogs layout for the reason that I never get satisfied of its outward show that’s why I started to experiment my blogger. =)

Gawd. 3 days from now classes will recommence again and perhaps I haven’t enjoyed my break yet, I’m longing for extensions but as if it would happen.
Midterm period is about to start almost immediately, and lessons will indisputably be tough and tougher. This time I have to study hard especially with my MAJOR SUBJECTS! Dang!
Ya know what? Time management is really indispensable but it takes lotsa hard work to do it.

Till here I’m running out of thoughts now. Haha.
God bless

My Multiple-Intelligence

Click to view my Personality Profile page

here's my another quiz from, based on the result i am predominantly Verbal and Linguistic.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.

Common Characteristics

* Notices grammatical mistakes
* Often speaks of what they have read
* Likes to use "fancy" words
* Loves word games
* Cherishes their book collection
* Easily remembers quotes and famous sayings
* Likes puns and rhymes
* Enjoys writing
* Enjoys foreign language
* Always enjoyed English class

Career Matches

* Writer (any type)
* Editor -i hope so. =)
* Public Speaker
* Politician
* Preacher
* Teacher
* Journalist- proud to be!! haha
* Broadcaster
* English / Writing Tutor
* Actor / Actress - really???


my personality

Click to view my Personality Profile page

i was browsing some of my friend's blogs and reading its every blog posts, then i found out this quiz and i get snooped.

below are the results of my quiz. =)

INFJ Career Matches

INFJs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Confidant/Visionary personality.

* Actor
* Alternative Medicine
* Artist
* Child Care Worker
* Child Development
* Chiropractor
* Church Worker
* Clergy
* Computer Programmer
* Computer Specialist
* Consultant

* Dentist
* Designer
* Doctor
* Educational Consultant
* Entrepreneur
* Human Resources
* Lawyer/Attorney
* Librarian
* Marketer
* Missionary
* Musician

* Photographer
* Psychiatrist
* Psychologist/Counselor
* Sales Representative
* Scientist
* Social Worker
* Systems Analyst
* Teacher/Professor
* Trainer
* Writer

Happy New Year!

Time is really running hasty, an additional year has come for us to live and continue our lives with God's immeasurable blessings. May this year will be more significant and abundant to us.

Happy New Year!

ask me anything. =)