Monday, October 31, 2011

Pressing the rewind button

Time flies so fast isn’t? Perhaps, I can’t scarcely imagine how I can manage this fast thingy I’m talking about. So at this point, I’m gonna force down the rewind button and start going back on those past memoirs. Perchance, it’s been a protracted time since I post an entry on my blog. (I’ve been dreadfully hectic recently. Promise! )

This year I bagged my first endorsement- Dairyman, from long waiting during the audition to test shots and VTR. Yes!! I made it. :D

Before classes resumes, we went to ABS-CBN and watched Happy Yipee Yehey live.

Since its still sembreak I assured that I’ll bumped to my High school friends. :D

Here comes Senior days. Yes! I’m a BSN Senior student baaabyyyyy. :D I attended a medical mission in Las Pinas.

Yeaa, we are busy though, but we always find time to chill out. Last September 2011 (I forgot the exact date, I’m sorry) my friends- BFC and I had a small party in my crib. Take note. It is unplanned. In tagalog, biglaan. :D

Lights. Camera. Pose. Pose and Pose. This year also, we had our Graduation Pictorial. At last! I’m closer to my dreams. :D

Furthermore, our implementation program for our CHN was a success! :D (We got a high grade too in our diagnosis.- a requirement)

in view of the fact that, I’m graduating this March. Thesis is a foremost requirement. We worked on our Thesis with my group mates at Laguna Belair. Credits to Aeson Belda for helping us out. :D

We headed to Starbucks with my High school friends non-stop kwentuhan while enjoying our frappes. :D

That’s all………..
Can’t wait to share another ups and downs of my life. :D

Just thinking.,

Dear Readers,
I'm planning to move my blogs on tumblr, so far its one of the best site where i could vent my thoughts and stories of life. Actually this blog (my blogger) is more on my private blog. kindly follow my tumblr account


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Go Azkals!

Win or Lose. Team Azkals you have our support!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What's wrong?

I noticed that these past few days I’m kinda poignant, there are lotsaf things bombarding my naive mind. I’m trying to sort out these problems but I have this BIG problem I can’t resolve. I want to share it to you but I can’t. Sorry guys, I don’t have the guts to share it on my blog. I prefer to keep it by myself. Nevertheless, I’m still figuring out how to resolve this. Yeah! I’m brawny but at this point, I dunno what happened. It seemed that I’m different. Hopefully, I can find answers to my questions. I hate this sentiment!

Friday, June 24, 2011

How to jot down notes effectively?

There are instances that we need to take detailed note, as in word per word. We can’t copy them with one snap. It takes time though. We spend much our early years in school, and our spontaneous effect is to write or jot down notes whenever anyone is talking. No need to worry for missing those important pointers and reminders, CNO has tips on how to jot down notes effectively.

1. Listening is more important than writing- “When you are not listening you are preventing intelligence. When you are not listening there is nothing new, there are only your reactions. If you wish to live life to its fullest, then listening is vital.” says Paul Hegarty, author of The Importance of listening. Instead of taking notes from the beginning of a lecture, listen to the lecturer’s main points and pace. As you write down, listen attentively. Write down the important key points or words as they are delivered.

2. Activate your memory- “Constant brain feeding activity is a must to possess a healthy mind. The call of the hour is to keep your mind occupied with ample work that is meaningful and which also promotes brain training.” says Craig Robin, author of Our memory is capable of retaining vast amount of information when active listening skills are kept. Writing the important words in our notebook will transform and will trigger our memory every time the notes are being reviewed.

3. Use pictures, symbols drawings and illustrations- “drawings and illustration will help for visualizing the events in the text and visualizing to remember what has happened previously.” says Michelle Kelley, co-author of Comprehension shouldn't be silent: from strategy instruction to student independence. Connect both side of the brain by drawing simple drawings within the notes. It doesn’t need to be perfect or professional artist like drawing. Instead of writing words, try to symbolize the concepts with an illustration that you can easily recall.

4. Use different pen colors- make your owns style, use different colors. For example use a red pen for the headings, green for the reminders and blue for the definition. Moreover, adding colors to your notes adds meaning without taking more time to write additional words.

5. Pause and enhance your notes- when you lecturer pauses and rest for a short time take the opportunity to read, double check and enhance your notes. Check for grammars and misspelled words. If you missed something ask your seatmate for clarifications.

6. Review your notes- after an hour of writing and listening I’m pretty sure that you can’t remember all the things that you wrote in your notebook. If that’s the case start reviewing your notes from time to time.

Now you are 100% ready, always have your pens and notebook with you but save the effort to write the most important information that will be useful after all. “If your mind wanders during the class or meeting, use the activity of writing or drawing to focus your thoughts on the subject being presented.” says James Adams, author of Tips for Jotting down notes effectively. Most of all trust your memory which is our best note taker when we are listening keenly.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I just want to say sorry for the late post. I’ve been busy lately. Last June 4, 2011 a Party was held at Ayenne’s crib celebrating Kuya Ivan’s Birthday/post party for his graduation. He’s now a fully pledge police. I salute him for that. Given that my mom is in Rizal I grabbed the opportunity to hang out with friends until midnight. LOL!

It’s a rainy day actually but we promised to Ayenne that we will come no matter what. But Rhea, one of my close friends who planned to prank Ayenne that we will ditch the party and break our promise and stay in our respective houses instead. Upon heading to San Antonio, Rhea forgot how to go to Ayenne's crib. In the end, we're LOST! As in! We don’t know where to go.

The Photoholics just arrived ang gave their best grin. I mean party ready grin! LOL

Waiting for our friends. :)

Here comes my BFF's. Pj's (in the center) photo here is hilarious! HAHA

It's my friends' first time to try Boracay Rum. Of course i tasted it already! i'm a party animal. LOL

Lovin' Chicken Feet Adobo, guess what? i ate most of it!! :) Yummy!!!

Here's our new friends, candid shot! They look drunk isn't??

Nevertheless, the party was awesome! We had a chance to meet new friends too. Well I guess that’s the purpose of a party right? Furthermore, we met Chet, Abet, Toto and Empoy. They’re fun to be with and very easy to get along.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I’ll mull over this week as one of my hectic week, because I’m preparing for my first ever VTR in Bulacan. It’s fairly far in our place but it doesn’t matter. What’s imperative is to go there and showcase what I can offer. I practiced roughly every day I updated my modeling portfolio. To sum it up, I made it!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Makasalanan ka ba?

Lahat naman siguro tayo makasalanan.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

from @arisushen 'What was your first cellphone unit?'

Nokie 3315 LOL :)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

from @arisushen 'Who completes your day?'

Family & Friends.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

How do you unwind after a long day at school or work?

I'm such a homebody now. sometimes if i'm not in the mood to go out i sleep a lot. (And tweet as well. LOL)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

in five years, i want to be.................

A successful nurse and model as well. I still have lotsaf things to work on. Whew!! :)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

When i want to blow off steam, i....

I go out with friends and enjoy the rest of the day with them.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

You're into modeling right? are you doing it just for money and fame? may i know the reason?

Nope. I'm not doing it for fame or money. Everything has to be organic. You don't go into something just to become famous.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I can bear this! Yes i can.

Occasionally, I can ’stop asking myself why I’m besieged this way. (Not to bring up here), I wanna keep it concealed. Anyhow, most of them saying that life can’t be complete and abundant without problems and it depends on you how you’ll endure it. Problems undeniably add spices in our lives, but we have a propensity to give up most of the time. Same thing applies to me. Yes! in fact there’s a point in my life wherein I’m really depressed and knotty and the only remedy that I want to do is to kill myself, but thanks to my superego for saving me. I’m not like this before I treat problems as if they’re my toys. I just play with it. At this point, every time I feel so down and desperate, I always ask God for his guidance and care. I deem his presence is the paramount remedy. And through him, I can bear all my problems and deal with it as if they do not exist.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sorry for the late post, i just wanna share my latest photo shoot by Trix Rivera

For my dearest blogger

Dear blogger, these past few days I had an unbreakable time thinking of what blog entry should I post. I found most of my topics are dreary and for sure you’ll just scroll down my post or will tell one and all to screw it! On the flip side, I admit that I’m not that imaginative like other bloggers you visited since then. And now, I kept on experimenting to take hold of your attentions. Optimistically, it will work (I’m praying for this). Since you haven’t heard my so-called “life stories” I think it’s the time to carve up it to you. Okay, let’s start. We had our first clinical duty for this semester at Philippine Orthopedic Center, at first apprehensions are killing me because of the things I heard from the people around me concerning our clinical instructor. But then, I had no choice, i need to face it. First day of duty (which is also our orientation) my former classmates and friends from my previous school (De La Salle University) are also present in the orientation, It’s been a long time and I miss them though or should I say I miss DLSU so much. I will be a true blooded La Sallian by heart and measures. candidly, I’m planning to take my masters degree in that school after I graduated from my Nursing degree. Promise I’ll be back dear (DLSU).

day by day clinical experience is impressive, meeting and greeting new faces from hospital staffs to relatives to clients.

Furthermore, despite the fact that it’s a holy week and a holiday as well, we still have papers and assignments to draw to a close. Nurses never had a break. And it’s distressing in point of fact, I don’t know why our professors want us to be busy don’t they understand our situation? Principally when we have heaps of things to submit on the same day (for example) or possibly they want to test our limitation and capabilities to become meticulous, compassionate and competitive nurses.

This holy week, we attended the Station of the Cross, vigils and the holy mass. The epitome, I attended most of the church’s holy week activities together with my mom and aunt who’s staying with us for a vacation.

Till here,

Have a blessed week!

God bless us

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Last day we planned to go to Alabang Town Center just to unwind prior summer classes, perhaps we will all be busy anyway (not to mention our chaotic school schedules plus clinical rotations and lectures) And nevertheless it will be hard for us to hang out again.

Anyway, im so blissful today! My friends (Miguel and Beldie) and i went to Festival Supermall Alabang and headed to Alabang Town Center afterwards.

We strolled around the mall and went to different stores, from perfumes to clothes to gadgets and lastly food. Things end up eating, walking and shopping. ;)

We ate this Mango Cheesecake Blizzard from Dairy Queen

Then, again and again we walked and walked and walked though Miguel's pair of Pierre Cardins (Shoes) Doesn't fit anymore and he's feet numbs. we get tired and sat for a while talked about school stuff and common friends as well

We take photos of ourselves and gave our best grin
At dinner, we ate at KFC. Then headed home.
Till here! See ya! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

I have nothing to write or to say.

DANG! This is bad! I was trying to write a new entry post for my blog. GOODNESS! I stared in my laptop for a long time, it seemed that my brain didn’t function the way I wanted it to be. Or perhaps, I lack inspiration and eagerness to start this stuff.

Moving on, at least thoughts are coming up right now! LOL

Okay, should I start with my intro?
This is how it goes. Blah! Blah! Blah!


Saturday, March 26, 2011


At last after all the school drama and stuff I can merely sit and relax. No more stressful days. Its time to unwind and be happy! Yes be happy. ;)
We (my friends; BFC) surpassed all our trials, not to mention them all.
Nevertheless, our friendship became stronger and stronger, our should i say we are the STRONGEST!

This semester is indeed tough for us, but with love and friendship we surpassed it all!
i love my friends.. ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Absurd entry

Dear blogger, sorry if i abandoned you for a long time. You can't blame me though, chaotic school schedule really sucks. I can't even manage my time in school. As of now, i rarely attend the photoshoots i am expected to come, i missed most of our family gatherings and reunions. I seldom go out with friends and i missed our friendly dates. Imagine how Nursing changed my life? particularly my social life. Arrgh! Maybe its also the reason why i'm still single, or perhaps its not yet my priority. i dunno!

if you are going to ask about my modeling career? well, i think its not good. Only few photographers want to shoot with me. Maybe, i'm not that good. (so disappointing), nevertheless, Sir Jay (the manager) always inform me for my upcoming projects but due to my schedule it is always postponed and soon they will give it to other models. As of now, i have a pending photoshoot. it's a summer inspired photoshoot, i dunno yet the additional details of the shoot but that's how it goes.

Till here blogger, i have lotsaf things to do. ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

25th People Power Revolution Photoshoot (a tribute photo shoot)

I had fun doing the shoot, credits to all the staff especially to Sir JM Castro for his bubbly personality. The shoot became more exciting because of you Sir J.. :)

I'm back for good

No more drama, no more sad days.
I'm back for good.
Till here. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sudden Depression

Dear Blogger,
i really don't know what to do. Problems are starting to bombard my mind, i dunno if i can still hold on. Nevertheless, It killed me incessantly. I don't want to be dramatic but seriously... I'm experiencing it NOW.

My friends tend to be paranoid why i'm acting like this. -I dunno either
I dunno how to explain to them, cause for sure they will not understand.
No choice, i have to keep this problem and try to solve it on my own.

The burdens i'm experiencing right now brought me to depression. Yeah! I'm depressed.
I dunno if i have a mental disorder but there are times i'm super okay then all of a sudden i will be sad again.

Blogger pls help me as i face all these burdens, I don't want to be sad! But i can't control my feelings.

Lots love,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I miss youu blogger

hello my dear blogger, its been a long time since i posted an entry here. i was busy in school this past few days and weeks, my school schedule really sucks. Org works and assignments. AAAWWW! Imagine how my life became miserable because of these things?

if you would ask me what's new.. hmm.... i dunno what to say, i'm really hesitant to share it to you guys, i'm afraid that my friends might talk about it and ask me questions i never want to hear and answer. However, i'm happy on what's happening in my life right now especially the ****** part.
Hey! don't think its SEX huh... I'm not that kind of person and perhaps im not into it!

Thinking i'm in love?
I dunno!
can't answer it. ;)