Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sudden Depression

Dear Blogger,
i really don't know what to do. Problems are starting to bombard my mind, i dunno if i can still hold on. Nevertheless, It killed me incessantly. I don't want to be dramatic but seriously... I'm experiencing it NOW.

My friends tend to be paranoid why i'm acting like this. -I dunno either
I dunno how to explain to them, cause for sure they will not understand.
No choice, i have to keep this problem and try to solve it on my own.

The burdens i'm experiencing right now brought me to depression. Yeah! I'm depressed.
I dunno if i have a mental disorder but there are times i'm super okay then all of a sudden i will be sad again.

Blogger pls help me as i face all these burdens, I don't want to be sad! But i can't control my feelings.

Lots love,

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