Friday, June 24, 2011

How to jot down notes effectively?

There are instances that we need to take detailed note, as in word per word. We can’t copy them with one snap. It takes time though. We spend much our early years in school, and our spontaneous effect is to write or jot down notes whenever anyone is talking. No need to worry for missing those important pointers and reminders, CNO has tips on how to jot down notes effectively.

1. Listening is more important than writing- “When you are not listening you are preventing intelligence. When you are not listening there is nothing new, there are only your reactions. If you wish to live life to its fullest, then listening is vital.” says Paul Hegarty, author of The Importance of listening. Instead of taking notes from the beginning of a lecture, listen to the lecturer’s main points and pace. As you write down, listen attentively. Write down the important key points or words as they are delivered.

2. Activate your memory- “Constant brain feeding activity is a must to possess a healthy mind. The call of the hour is to keep your mind occupied with ample work that is meaningful and which also promotes brain training.” says Craig Robin, author of Our memory is capable of retaining vast amount of information when active listening skills are kept. Writing the important words in our notebook will transform and will trigger our memory every time the notes are being reviewed.

3. Use pictures, symbols drawings and illustrations- “drawings and illustration will help for visualizing the events in the text and visualizing to remember what has happened previously.” says Michelle Kelley, co-author of Comprehension shouldn't be silent: from strategy instruction to student independence. Connect both side of the brain by drawing simple drawings within the notes. It doesn’t need to be perfect or professional artist like drawing. Instead of writing words, try to symbolize the concepts with an illustration that you can easily recall.

4. Use different pen colors- make your owns style, use different colors. For example use a red pen for the headings, green for the reminders and blue for the definition. Moreover, adding colors to your notes adds meaning without taking more time to write additional words.

5. Pause and enhance your notes- when you lecturer pauses and rest for a short time take the opportunity to read, double check and enhance your notes. Check for grammars and misspelled words. If you missed something ask your seatmate for clarifications.

6. Review your notes- after an hour of writing and listening I’m pretty sure that you can’t remember all the things that you wrote in your notebook. If that’s the case start reviewing your notes from time to time.

Now you are 100% ready, always have your pens and notebook with you but save the effort to write the most important information that will be useful after all. “If your mind wanders during the class or meeting, use the activity of writing or drawing to focus your thoughts on the subject being presented.” says James Adams, author of Tips for Jotting down notes effectively. Most of all trust your memory which is our best note taker when we are listening keenly.

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