Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I just want to say sorry for the late post. I’ve been busy lately. Last June 4, 2011 a Party was held at Ayenne’s crib celebrating Kuya Ivan’s Birthday/post party for his graduation. He’s now a fully pledge police. I salute him for that. Given that my mom is in Rizal I grabbed the opportunity to hang out with friends until midnight. LOL!

It’s a rainy day actually but we promised to Ayenne that we will come no matter what. But Rhea, one of my close friends who planned to prank Ayenne that we will ditch the party and break our promise and stay in our respective houses instead. Upon heading to San Antonio, Rhea forgot how to go to Ayenne's crib. In the end, we're LOST! As in! We don’t know where to go.

The Photoholics just arrived ang gave their best grin. I mean party ready grin! LOL

Waiting for our friends. :)

Here comes my BFF's. Pj's (in the center) photo here is hilarious! HAHA

It's my friends' first time to try Boracay Rum. Of course i tasted it already! i'm a party animal. LOL

Lovin' Chicken Feet Adobo, guess what? i ate most of it!! :) Yummy!!!

Here's our new friends, candid shot! They look drunk isn't??

Nevertheless, the party was awesome! We had a chance to meet new friends too. Well I guess that’s the purpose of a party right? Furthermore, we met Chet, Abet, Toto and Empoy. They’re fun to be with and very easy to get along.

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