Thursday, April 21, 2011

For my dearest blogger

Dear blogger, these past few days I had an unbreakable time thinking of what blog entry should I post. I found most of my topics are dreary and for sure you’ll just scroll down my post or will tell one and all to screw it! On the flip side, I admit that I’m not that imaginative like other bloggers you visited since then. And now, I kept on experimenting to take hold of your attentions. Optimistically, it will work (I’m praying for this). Since you haven’t heard my so-called “life stories” I think it’s the time to carve up it to you. Okay, let’s start. We had our first clinical duty for this semester at Philippine Orthopedic Center, at first apprehensions are killing me because of the things I heard from the people around me concerning our clinical instructor. But then, I had no choice, i need to face it. First day of duty (which is also our orientation) my former classmates and friends from my previous school (De La Salle University) are also present in the orientation, It’s been a long time and I miss them though or should I say I miss DLSU so much. I will be a true blooded La Sallian by heart and measures. candidly, I’m planning to take my masters degree in that school after I graduated from my Nursing degree. Promise I’ll be back dear (DLSU).

day by day clinical experience is impressive, meeting and greeting new faces from hospital staffs to relatives to clients.

Furthermore, despite the fact that it’s a holy week and a holiday as well, we still have papers and assignments to draw to a close. Nurses never had a break. And it’s distressing in point of fact, I don’t know why our professors want us to be busy don’t they understand our situation? Principally when we have heaps of things to submit on the same day (for example) or possibly they want to test our limitation and capabilities to become meticulous, compassionate and competitive nurses.

This holy week, we attended the Station of the Cross, vigils and the holy mass. The epitome, I attended most of the church’s holy week activities together with my mom and aunt who’s staying with us for a vacation.

Till here,

Have a blessed week!

God bless us

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