Monday, December 20, 2010

My 19th Birthday Bash!

its my 19th bday celebration at Tokyo Tokyo. i would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all my friends who attended my party, especially to those who waited in our house. hehe. :)

Surprise Party!

Last December 18, 2010. My friends organized a surprise birthday party for me held at Ate Trol's crib. I am really surprised that time and i am really really happy. Its my first time to experience that kind of overflowing happiness, and i owe it all to my friends. sniff! sniff!

i am really surprised. that's why i hugged Ate Trol as a sign of thankfulness and happiness.

the epitome is.. I'm really thankful to those who are always beside me, to support and give advices to me especially to my God our savior, my parents and friends.. without you guys i will be weaker. thanks for raising me up every time i feel so down. I love you guys!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action

Who ever thought that nursing students has a film-making project? Yes! That's true! we had this Film-making project wherein we have to give our 100% dedication and power for this because its a inter-section competition, and our section is really competitive to win this year's cine psycho festival.

The title of our film is THE WEDDING directed by Miguel Imson and Michael Alcalde. happy to say i'm one of the actors and i'm the script writer too.. I want to share the story here on my blog, but i'm afraid that someone will follow the theme and copy it.

Actually, we've been very busy for this since this project was given, from conceptualization up to the production staff. But, despite that it became a bonding moment for all of us. we enjoyed while we are doing each scenes though, there are also times wherein we experienced conflicts and cat fights.

Holding the clapper behind me are the production staff

BREAK TIME.... time to eat. ;)

getting ready for my scene....
we just arrived for the next location
wedding scene... i'm with Nash.. ;)

if its not our scene.. this what we do.. (take pictures)
w/ the assistant director... ;)

i will upload more photos soon.. ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Recent Photo shoot by Sir Brian

Photography by Brian Martinez of Global Model Inc.
Make-up by Sarah De Guzman
Styling by Alex Perez

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Be an ultimate student! Be a survivor!! By Jessant Deblois

School most of the time make us feel like we are stuck in an island were we can only see is the sky, trees and the ocean. It feels like we are in the middle of nowhere, facing different challenges. Like looking for food and shelter, and in a school set up we’ve been dealing tons of challenges like passing anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and perhaps algebra. There are also projects to pass, pending quizzes which we are ought to study.- all these things is necessary to survive this semester. At times, we thought it’s impossible to get everything completed on time. But we suggest you to smile and relax. Because its POSSIBLE! We the Caduceus staff has tips on how to outsmart, outdo and outlive your professors and be the ultimate student!

Start with a plan
- now that another semester had started, we all miss those night outs, parties and happenings during semester break. But at this point! Move on! It’s time to forget those things and focus on your acads.

Preparing a timetable is very imperative step in ensuring that you are on the right track this semester. There may have been things that you want to do and explore more during your vacay like, playing this awesome computer game, teaching your friends how to play guitar and write poetries. Yeah, its fun to do but going back to school doesn’t mean that you have to concede these hobbies. With self-control, fortitude, and your astounding skills, you can still play the piano like your favorite pianist and still you can make it to the dean’s list.

Be sure that your schedule covers the whole day, from the time you get up on bet until the time you go to sleep at night. Make sure that you allot ample time for your timetable. And you also have to remember that you don’t have to overload yourself and your schedule should allow you to take breaks and have fun.

Use a scheme!
- want to be a scholar this semester? Do you have a strong feeling that you will be the new editor of your school paper? Or being part of a musical play? Well, that’s the spirit! Go for it!

The first thing you should do is to contemplate, anticipate on what it would take to reach your aspirations. You must classify your goals if it’s a long term or a short term goal and try to outline the things you have to do to achieve this. With this, you could easily identify the things that you need to give more attention to achieve your goal.

Form a group!
- get ready yourself for subjects you don’t enjoy by forming a study group with your awesome friends. (just imagine your group is a clan, the success of a member is the success of all.) Invite your close friend who flatter your strengths and helps you to work on your weaknesses. If you are not good in Anatomy and Physiology find someone who’s good at it.

Start working as a team so that you can fiddle with each other’s study habits. As a team set a goal collectively and then be each other’s support group. Stumble on different ways to enjoy your study sessions like playing games or giving sample quizzes to your teammates.

-Repay yourselves! Even the coolest TV Show Survivor had a reward challenge for a job well done. Similarly, you should reward yourselves for all the hard work you’ve been incessantly putting in your studies.
After you and you’re teammates worked hard together, its now time to celebrate your triumph!

DANGER ZONE: WWW and its unwarranted peril

Perpetu alites, beware! CNO reveals the menace of going online
By Jessant Deblois

Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, Tumblr, Multiply, Twitter, Ebay, Tagged, Hi-5, and Plurk (include your favorite social networking site here). Are you familiar with these social networking sites? I deem yes, perchance most of us are members of these such.

As time goes by, technology can’t stop itself from emerging it became more accessible and fitting, and of course the power of WWW or the World Wide Web has definitely made the techy world a smaller place. However, nowadays everything we need is just a mouse click away- it is easy for us to access information for our researches, to contact our friends in far places, we download music for our Ipods, and practically we can now shop things online. Imagine how great the WWW is? Easy to access and very expedient, bear in mind also that the web also brings unjustified peril.

According to, the top social networking site nowadays is Facebook with 51.61% market visits, followed by Youtube with 15.35% and on the third place Myspace with 14.34% of marker visits.

On that note, is the top social networking site nowadays, however. Facebook before is designed for college students for their medium of communication. But in our time it has grown terrifically and now is used by people around the globe. Moreover, Philippines ranked number two in Asia with 1,365,360 new users in Facebook as of today, this is according to Philippines digital statistics, and last march 2010 there are 10,682,540 new facebook Pinoy users.

Have you been conned on the net? Or do you have bad experience encountered online?
If you will throw back the same question to me I will answer it with a BIG YES!
Yes, I am also a victim of these online predators. I just found out one day that someone is using my pictures and trying to mimic me, then after that I immediately reported to facebook about this poser and I asked my friends’ help to report him/her too.
In line with this, some perpetualites are also victim of these online hunters.

Blogger Feud
Miguel Imson, BSN
Being the short-fused person that I am, I see to it that I choose my battles wisely and compromise my anger into something a little more creative than just picking every opportunity to get angry. So I decided that I would be better off in a blogging site where I can exercise my creativity and at the same time, vent my anger without hurting any person who crosses my path. So I made a blogging site and I made sure that it was made private from all the people who are in the blog. I eventually got famous because of it at school, people copying my one-liners and enjoying the cunning mix of cynicism and wit that is my writing. And without apology, I might add. To make this long story short, it eventually got out and it beggared an inevitable face-off from all the people I’ve hurt. This is by far the scariest encounter I’ve had with people on the internet and I am praying to God, with much fervor, that it would be the last. I shut down the blog site and swore to God that I would never vent my anger online.

Simplyme, PT
I always surf the net after class in a internet café. Unfortunately, one day I just found out that someone hacked my account and kept on sending foul words to my friends..

Arrhon9102, RT
I always download videos and music on the net, and while I’m downloading my favorite song and window pop out, I closed it and all of a sudden my laptop shut down by itself and after opening it I found out that a virus killed my laptop!

Dad is a victim too…
Chaooo, BSN
I haven't experienced being duped on net, but my father had. his first facebook account was hacked due to interest on his poker chips.

Cadu tips to elude this bad online experiences
1. Be careful in choosing your email address be sure its not denote your real name, age and location
2. Choose a password that is difficult to crack- like this, h1o2w3a4r5e6y7o8u
3. Avoid using exaggeratedly playful names such as “kickmybutthottie24” or “sexynaughty_90”. They can easily magnetize online hunters.
4. Never reveal your passwords to anyone even to your friends. Remember this is your personal thing don’t let anyone invade your privacy.
5. Don’t post your phone numbers online.
6. If you are into forums and chatrooms never use your primary email address, use another one
7. Never give out your real name, age, address, password, school, and contact numbers.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

FASHION GUIDE 101: not so “TRENDY” this December by Jessant J. Deblois

Yow! Fashionistas! This is your first lecture, Welcome to Fashion Guide 101!
I knew you’ve been busy flicking through the pages of your favorite fashion magazines and listing the HOTTEST fashion trends. It’s time for you to stop flicking through it for a while, sit back and relax and start reading our lecture.

The 2010 had been a tough year for us, we dealt with recession, with tough antagonistic looks, and the rebirth of the gaudy outfits of the 70’s.- from the overstated jackets to the endless textures layering of clothes. And of course the permeating gladiator footwear and comfy sneakers. On that note, we can stridently say, each year fashion is refining.

Not so trendy!
1. The Emo get up -I’m not just talking to the accessories and other stuff, I’m referring to the entire package. Messy hair, eye liners, thick make-up, black lipstick (That’s why people is staring at you when you go out because they thought that you will entomb them). Thin guys and gals wearing skin-tight jeans where it’s a big question how can they walk and stand. (I’m sure your blood will not circulate as it should be) and checkered shoes. Added to this is the incapability to look good and clean. Honestly, this get up is malevolent.

2. Aviator shades- people thought that wearing aviators will be stylish, though it isn’t sunny at all. Don’t use it when you’re inside the mall. People will thought you’re a lofty walking bug.

3. Shutter shades- without a doubt this fashion accessory that others say “trendy” has no purpose at all. (try to think it’s purpose)

4. Flipflops- elude buying overpriced flipflops, perhaps it will just look an unremarkable house slippers every time you hit the mall with your friends. Wearing expensive and ordinary flipflops is like buying tons of Espresso for your feet.

5. Animal print tees and jeans- I wonder why people love to wear this? Hitting the mall or going out of town with your friends while wearing this, is a big no! no!. This is only good for costume parties.

Take into account that you don’t need to follow the latest fashion trends, as long as you can present or dress up yourself decently and you’re comfortable wearing it so be it. People will admire the natural you!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


"God will make a way" i believed in this statement. God will make a way for us, a way that will be convenient and favorable for us..

I've been applying to different municipal offices for a scholarship but sad to say for two years of applying i'm always rejected, not because of my grades but the scholarship is only available for fresh high school graduates. Though it's unfair in my part.

Nevertheless, i after the long long years of waiting, God gave me an instrument for me to have this scholarship. Thank you to Ate Loida, who helped and supported me all throughout. I owe her a lot.
she informed me about this scholarship then i tried and happy to say. I was accepted.

I'm planning to post the permit to enroll stating that i'm a scholar of our city but i'm afraid because i think it's confidential (not sure about it).
Furthermore, this scholarship is a vast help for us. And now, i'll try my best for this scholarship..

it's the time to change my study habits and focus more on school...
Thank you lord God!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Just wanna greet each and everyone of you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Doubled FUN!

My High school friends and i had a small get together at Rej's crib. It was really fun. It's been a year since we bonded like this and i'm so happy to see them again, i felt that i'm in high school again.

i can't explain how happy i am today, :)
Nevertheless, my mood suddenly changed because of my low internet connection. do you think i should blame the server or the rain for this??


House Party photos will be posted soon.. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boredom strikes back!

It was a boring day for me, i dunno how to spend my vacay wisely. i just sleep, tweet, watch tv, eat, go out. Do you think i'm productive?? In such way yes, but in totality i guess not. haha. Lol
However, we are also doing lotsaf errands in school. I can actually feel how tough to be the Junior Council's Assistant Secretary. perchance, i love my job.. It feels good when you serve the students. It's a different feeling.. HAHAHA.

One of my followers in twitter challenge me not to tweet for one day. Well, i accepted his challenge. haha.

Since i'm really bored outta here, what i did is this.....


DLSU: BSN13 Ballroom

watch our Video (ballroom) Just click here
can you find me??? (Its a five column, we're in the center. )
Enjoy watching.. :)

Things I want to have this coming December (my birthday)

There are things that we want to have right? Some of us wants an Ipod, Ipad, PSP, Blackberry phone (include your face stuff that you want to have here) and many more. But we can’t have those things with a snap on that note It is indeed true that people never get contented, but for me yes and at the same time I disagree, it’s a balanced feeling between the two. Yes, we never get contented and no because we never find that contentment because we want to be happier, physically or in material aspect. We want to be happy that’s why we can’t stop ourselves to shop as if it’s the last.

At this early point of time, I’m starting to plan for my upcoming birthday party. I don’t want a big party, I prefer a simple one. I want to celebrate it with my love ones (and enemies as well. Lol) Unfortunately, dad will not be around perhaps I’m used to it. Change topic…. I do want to be sad…….

On the flip side, I want to ask you what are the things that you want to have this December or in your birthday? (Stop reading my blog for a while and start thinking………)

Furthermore, I jot down the things I want to have and do.
1. New Pair of Shoes (sneakers will be good)
2. Havies!! (I want the glow in the dark havz)
3. Dental Check-up
4. Facial and Diamond Peel at Let’s face it Salon
5. New Tees and Jeans
6. Gifts for my inaanaks

I know you might say and think that I’m materialistic, but sorry to tell you. This is how I reward myself for a long year with trials and troubles. I deserve a treat! Perhaps, I’ll try my best to save money just to have these things. Approximately these stuffs will cost 5000 bucks. (Whew!)
But the greatest gift I want to receive in my birthday is my dad, hope he’s around that time. (too dramatic)

PS: I need you advices. Teach me some methods how to save money. I terribly need it. Thank you!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rewind.. and play!

I want to share to you guys the parties and get together i attended this first semester. It was really fun! Considering the fact that we need to meet our deadlines and our hospital duties which brought us stress from time to time. Nevertheless, we still find time to unwind, relax and PPPPPPAAAARRRTTTYYY! We student nurses deserves to have a relax/day off.. ;)
Okay let's start posting, shall we?

With my friends. (L-R) Mich, Ehle, Tan, yours truly and Shela. It's Michael's birthday Party held at Ate Trol's crib who's not in the picture. I figured out that i don't have pictures with the birthday boy (Michael)

Next in Line is Noah's House Party! Had fun too... They have a dart set at home and we played it. T'was really really fun!! I don't know how to play darts before and thanks to my friends who taught me some of its rules.

SHHHHOOOOOT ME! hahahahahaha. LMAO

who will ever forget our class President's house party. Here's the story, after Noah's party we went to Ate Mel's crib though it's kinda late evening still we went to her party. no doubt my classmates and i looooves to attend parties.

and lastly, the memorable western inspired party. ;)

If you are planning to throw a party, i'm willing to be your party organizer. ;)

Let's talk about my dreams.....

My life is like an open book, i always want people to know my life, how i move, how i think and how i surpassed all my troubles in life. The main reason is i want them to learn something from my past experiences because i deem that it will help them to become better individuals.

Before, people usually under estimates me, they don't believe that there are things that i can do that others can't. And because of that it hurts me a lot, thus. I need to get out of my comfort zone and taaaadaaah!!! I showed myself to the world!! Still not everybody understands me. Well, i can't please everybody...

And now after those awful days in my life, someone insists me to join the modeling world. I'm hesitant before, because believe me all male teen or young adult models are "macho" right??. hence, i don't have a place in this industry considering that i have slim body. I felt that i don't have a place to show myself or do my interests.

After my first go-see, i'm so blissful as i read a text message that i passed the screening and they will call me for a call back. here comes the call back day... I'm really nervous at that time and with a big BAAAAANG!! I didn't passed the screening.. I'm so upset that time considering the fact that i have to travel from Laguna to Manila. I felt that my dreams are gradually falling apart..

But, i never stop! I joined lotsaf go-sees which i'm not sure if i'll get the slot or what, i'm doing it for experience. And happy to say that I passed some of my go-sees.. ;)
Furthermore, i'm still a freelance model. i don't have exclusive contract from any of the top modeling agencies in the country.. And i'm hoping that with this part time career i will be successful..

After reading this entry, if you want to join the modeling industry or anything that you want to have go for it! Don't think of what people may say. just remember you are doing it for yourself not for them..

Party Party!

Last October 19, 2010 the last day of our final examination, wherein students are all excited to take the test, go home and enjoy the rest of the sembreak. Vacay! Hoooooraaay!
I've been waiting for this VACAY. Now i can sleep comfortably, no more deadlines, quizzes and many more. Yeah! I'm stressed!! (As in!!! If i could just control this.... *sigh*)
On the same day, my classmates who are actually my close friends had a pool party in Calamba..
We just arrived in the Venue, wherein some of my friends are busy cooking in the kitchen.
Guess who?? We have the best Chef in the class!!! ;)The Party is almost starting but before that we will never forget to smile in the camera. we love taking pictures of ourselves and w/ our friends.. (BFC)I'm with Ehle (A big thanks to her. She brought her camera and uploaded our photos in facebook)

We enjoyed singing in the Videoke. I looooove to sing!!! Aside from the Class Chef we also have unbeatable performers... ha ha ha. ;)

Ha ha. Look at me, No doubt i'm so happy when this photo is taken... My smile can explain everything...

Actually i have lotsaf photos to upload, better check my facebook account to see how crazy i am in the party....

Ps: Don't ask me if i'm drunk in that night... Coz my answer is a big big Nooooooo!! ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CNO oath taking.

sorry for the late post, here's the photos of our oath taking... This is it! I'm the official Managing Editor of our school paper.

(here's my outfit in that day, styling is courtesy of my friends)(This is it!)

after the successful oath taking its PART tiiiime!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pinoy noon, ngayon at sa hinaharap By Jessant J. Deblois

Pango, kayumanggi, maliit, makapal na kilay at kulot na buhok ito ang una nating naiisip pag naririnig ang salitang Pilipino. Ngunit alam ba natin na mas moderno na ang panahon natin ngayon? Maaaring oo o hindi para sa iba, ngunit kung ito ay ating ikukumpara sa mga nakaraang henerasyon tiyak masasabi natin na ang laki talaga ng naging pagbabago.

Naalala ko tuloy ang kwento ng aking mahal na ina sa panahong 70’s kung saan ang mga kabataan noon ay nabubuhay sa malaking mundo ng ideyalismo. Ito ay ang panahon ng martial law, kung saan puro rebolusyon ang nagaganap ngunit hindi ito isang ideolohiya o isang pakikiuso . Ito ang tinatawag nilang totoong buhay.

Maaring na kwento na ng ating mga guro o propesor ang tungkol dito at kung ganon man mas magiging madali para sa atin ikumpara ang panahon noon at ngayon. Panahon dati na simple lang ang pamumuhay, walang cellphone, iPod, PSP at kung ano ano pang teknolohiya ngayon, dagdag pa dito ang pagbabawal na mag-bar, mag-inom kung saan saan at mag-rugby. At maging ang mga manunulat na kagaya ko noon ay walang freedom of speech.

Kung ating iisipin mahirap nga ang buhay noon, para kang nasa isang maliit na kahon naghahabol ng paghinga sa sobrang sikip nito. Uso din noon ang kahirapan, kurapsyon at pangingitil ng kalayaan. Ibang iba din ang imahe ng mga kabataan noon, ibang iba ang trip nila simple pag-gimik lang at onting pag-inom hindi kagaya ngayon na marami tayong trip na kayang kaya natin gawin.

Palaban ang mga kabataan noon, handa silang ipaglaban kung ano ang kanilang karapatan. Di tulad ngayon na nagiging bulag at pipi tayo sa mga pangyayari sa kabila ng talamak ng panloloko, pangaapi at panghaharas. Alam ng mga kabataan noon ang pagkakaiba ng tama at mali, at handang handa silang ipaglaban ang karapatan ng kanilang kapwa Pilipino. Daan daang taon na ang lumipas at tumanda na ang mga kabataan na tinutukoy ko, na kasalukuyang hinahagkan natin ngayon. Maaring isa sya sa ating mga kamaganak, guro, kaibigan, kaklase o kakilala.

Kung aanilisahin natin ang bawat sitwasyon nakakabilib nga naman talaga ang mga Pinoy noon ngunit kalakip nito ang isang katanungan na gumugulo sa aking isipan “ano ang nangyari at bakit nagkaganito? Asan na ang dating handang ipaglaban ang bayan? Tila ilan nalang ang natira sa kanila.

Dinala narin siguro ni Marcos ang ideyalismo na nanalantay sa dugo at dumadaloy sa bawat ugat ng mga Pilipino, o maaaring binura na ito ng mga dayuhan na labas pasok sa ating bansa.

Wala akong sama ng loob sa kanino man, dahil sa aking pananaw tila nalimutan na ang ideyalismong ipinamalas noon. Natatakot akong dumating ang panahon na tayo ay maging katulad nila, sila na nabubuhay sa kultura na walang pakiaalam. Pakiramdam ko tayo ay nanatiling bulag sa katotohanan.

Sabi nga ni Dr. Jose Rizal “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan”. Ngunit para sa akin ay naging mataas ang tingin ng ating tanyag na bayani. Kung ating aanilisahin ang mga katagang binitiwan ni Dr. Jose Rizal ito ay may kalakip na napakalaking responsibilidad para sa atin mga kabataan.

Si Jose Rizal daw ay isang realist, ngunit pag binalikan natin ang mga katagang binitawan nya hindi ba’t ito ay isang ideyalismo lamang? Lagi natin isagi sa ating malawak na kaisipan na ipinamana sa atin ng mga kabataan noon ang responsibilidad natin ngayon. Kung baga sa Facebook pasign out na sila pa log-in palang tayo.

Ang bagong Pinoy
Ibang iba na nga ang pagkakakilala sa ating mga Pilipino ngayon hindi lang sa paguugali ngunit sa pisikal na aspeto din, kung noon ang mga Pinoy ay pango at kayumanggi ngayon ay binago na ito ng tinatawag nating teknolohiya. Ngunit ang pagbabago na ito ay hindi nakakabawas sa atin bilang isang Pilipino, ang importante ay Pilipino tayo sa isip sa salita at sa gawa.

Tayong mga Pilipino ay likas na magiliw sa ating mga panauhin. Handa tayong magbahagi sa ating kapwa ang anumang bagay na meron tayo, kahit na tayo ay naghihigpit sinturon. Tayo rin ay matulungin lalo na sa ating kababayang mahihirap, dagdag pa dito ang pagalang natin sa matatanda at ang simpleng pag mamano (kunwari hindi ito nawala ngayon), doon sa ma halimbawang ibinigay ko masasabi ko na dapat ipagmalaki natin na Pilipino tayo!

Masakit man sabihin tayo daw ay nasa mundo na puro KOPYA.
Nagsimula ito noon pang ekspedisyon ni Magellan hanggang ngayon ang hindi maiwasang kopyahan sa mga pagsusulit. Mula sa pagkain ng mga espanyol na adobado na ngayon ay adobo sa atin at ang ilan pang mga bagay na mula sa iba na tila inangkin natin. Nakabaon na nga ata sa atin mga ugat bago pa nakatanggap ng papuri ang ating pambansang kasuotan na barong tagalog na diumano ay may pakakahalintulad sa kurta ng bansang India at ang guayabera ng Amerika.

Hindi tayo napabilang sa sinasabing third world para sa wala. Bigla tuloy sumaga sa aking isipan ang sinabi ni Aflred Sauvy, sa kanyang artikulo mula sa L’Observateur magazine noong Agosto 14, 1952. “this ignored, exploited, scorned Third world……… wants to be come something”. ito ay totoo kung ating iisipin, mas gusto nating magkaroon ng kung ano anong bagay mula sa ibang bansa, dahil dito mas nagpursige tayong mga Pilipino na ganyahin ang sinasabing maganda para sa kanila.

Sa larangan naman ng aliwan o ang mga palabas na ating napapanood, pansin nyo ba na may kasing hawig ito sa palabas sa ibang bansa, kagaya ng Philippine Idol, Survivor Philippines, Pinoy Big Brother, Pinoy Dream Academy, Kapamilya deal or no deal, I love Betty La Fea at kung ano ano pa.

Maaring iba sa atin ay isiping tayo ay “gaya-gaya” pero wag tayong magkaila na isa tayo sa tumangkilik nito, kung paano ito sumukat sa ibang bansa ay mas doble o triple pa nung ito ay nasa Pilipinas na.

Kung tutuusin wala naman talaga akong pakialam kung patuloy ang pangagaya ng ilan sa atin ang kinakatakot ko lang ay ang tuluyan ng mawala ang pagiging creative nating mga Pilipino kung saan tayo ay nakilala. Tayong mga Pilipino ay may natatanging pagkilanlan wag sana natin itong baguhin ngunit ito ay ating hasain at pagyamanin.

Akala ko mahihirapan akong magsulat sa wikang Filipino, oo Pilipino ako ngunit hindi ako masyadong mahusay sa pagsusulat gamit ito, mas madali akong nakakapagsulat gamit ang salitang ingles, wika na hindi sa atin. Alam kong hindi ako nagiisa sa puntong ito, malamang pati ikaw o kayo ay nararanasan ito. Kung tutuusin wala na akong masasabing purong Pinoy ngayon halimbawa nalang ang mga tao sa Gobyerno ay wikang ingles ang ginagamit pag may pagpupulong kahit saan o sino ay pansin na pansin ito.

Nakakahiya mang isipin at ibahagi sa inyo pero ang tingin ko lahat tayo ay mga rebelde, mga mamayan ng Pilipinas na nagrebelde sa kanyang bansa dahil hindi natin kayang pukawin ang problema ng ating lipunan. Tayo mismo, sa ating sariling mga kamay ang dahilan kung bakit ang Pilipinas ay nagkaroon ng Kulturang pabalintiyak. At tayong mismong mga kabataan ang dapat magpabago nito.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet the Team!

Who ever thought that a loser like me will be promoted as Managing Editor of our school paper.
I admit that my articles and grammars is not that good, and it came to the point that i started to ponder and ask myself why they chose me to be one? Hmmmm. Still clueless.

Nevertheless i'm so happy about it. It is a vast achievement for me. ;)
Last Saturday, August 14, 2010 we had our Mini Photoshoot in school. Speaking of Photoshoots i miss doing so.... ;) I miss the camera, the studio, stylists, make-up artists, photographers and of course my co-models whom i worked with...

Okay then, we're getting to far from the Topic... HAHA. sorry!!

Meet the CNO Team. Where's Ate Rina and Patrick?? HEHE

Editorial Board, CNO
(L-R) Circulation Editor, Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor (me)


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets reminisce

i set this day as my rest day after the LOOOONG and NERVE RACKING Go-see this morning, then after that. I decided to open my laptop surf the net and browse some of my social networking sites.
And luckily i was be able to find these two pictures... it was taken a years ago.. HAHA... see the changes in my physical appearance??? HAHA.. LMAO!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Nursing is indeed a tough course, you must have a caring heart and willingness to pursue it. Nursing is actually a life time commitment and a continuous or incessant learning, meaning you will gain knowledge from patient to patient.

Last July 7, 2010. We had our Capping, Pinning and Candle lighting Ceremony. It became a significant day or event for me and to others as well.

if we will put my journey in a timeline. I guess i
t will reach up to the longest measurement or should i say it is immeasurable.

Who ever thought that a loser kid before will become a Registered Nurse someday?

receiving my pin is the beginning of my new adjustments and symbolizes all my responsibilities and achievements in life.

Yup! Its a GIGANTIC achievement for me. Achievement for all my hard work, determination and enthusiasm since first year, and now i'm already 3rd College i surpassed all the sleepless nights and toxic days. Hence, i deem that i'm really qualified for the calling that i chose.

with the help of my supportive and caring parents,
i able to withstand all my trials in life.
It became the source of my strength and courage.

I offered the Pin that i received to them,
my parents whom i owe a lot.

I will treasure the solemnity of the Capping , Pinning and Candle lighting
Ceremony FOREVER!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

AVATAR Photoshoot

sorry for the late post. here's my present photoshoot by Sir Paolo Rivera, i'm really satisfied of the edits and the photo itself. I received positive feedbacks regarding it some of it are flattering. Anyway, without sir Paolo and his staff this Avatar Photoshoot will not be possible.

Monday, June 14, 2010


thanks to Sir Alex for this wonderful pictures. Hope he'll invite me again in his future projects..