Friday, October 22, 2010

Let's talk about my dreams.....

My life is like an open book, i always want people to know my life, how i move, how i think and how i surpassed all my troubles in life. The main reason is i want them to learn something from my past experiences because i deem that it will help them to become better individuals.

Before, people usually under estimates me, they don't believe that there are things that i can do that others can't. And because of that it hurts me a lot, thus. I need to get out of my comfort zone and taaaadaaah!!! I showed myself to the world!! Still not everybody understands me. Well, i can't please everybody...

And now after those awful days in my life, someone insists me to join the modeling world. I'm hesitant before, because believe me all male teen or young adult models are "macho" right??. hence, i don't have a place in this industry considering that i have slim body. I felt that i don't have a place to show myself or do my interests.

After my first go-see, i'm so blissful as i read a text message that i passed the screening and they will call me for a call back. here comes the call back day... I'm really nervous at that time and with a big BAAAAANG!! I didn't passed the screening.. I'm so upset that time considering the fact that i have to travel from Laguna to Manila. I felt that my dreams are gradually falling apart..

But, i never stop! I joined lotsaf go-sees which i'm not sure if i'll get the slot or what, i'm doing it for experience. And happy to say that I passed some of my go-sees.. ;)
Furthermore, i'm still a freelance model. i don't have exclusive contract from any of the top modeling agencies in the country.. And i'm hoping that with this part time career i will be successful..

After reading this entry, if you want to join the modeling industry or anything that you want to have go for it! Don't think of what people may say. just remember you are doing it for yourself not for them..

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