Sunday, November 14, 2010

DANGER ZONE: WWW and its unwarranted peril

Perpetu alites, beware! CNO reveals the menace of going online
By Jessant Deblois

Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, Tumblr, Multiply, Twitter, Ebay, Tagged, Hi-5, and Plurk (include your favorite social networking site here). Are you familiar with these social networking sites? I deem yes, perchance most of us are members of these such.

As time goes by, technology can’t stop itself from emerging it became more accessible and fitting, and of course the power of WWW or the World Wide Web has definitely made the techy world a smaller place. However, nowadays everything we need is just a mouse click away- it is easy for us to access information for our researches, to contact our friends in far places, we download music for our Ipods, and practically we can now shop things online. Imagine how great the WWW is? Easy to access and very expedient, bear in mind also that the web also brings unjustified peril.

According to, the top social networking site nowadays is Facebook with 51.61% market visits, followed by Youtube with 15.35% and on the third place Myspace with 14.34% of marker visits.

On that note, is the top social networking site nowadays, however. Facebook before is designed for college students for their medium of communication. But in our time it has grown terrifically and now is used by people around the globe. Moreover, Philippines ranked number two in Asia with 1,365,360 new users in Facebook as of today, this is according to Philippines digital statistics, and last march 2010 there are 10,682,540 new facebook Pinoy users.

Have you been conned on the net? Or do you have bad experience encountered online?
If you will throw back the same question to me I will answer it with a BIG YES!
Yes, I am also a victim of these online predators. I just found out one day that someone is using my pictures and trying to mimic me, then after that I immediately reported to facebook about this poser and I asked my friends’ help to report him/her too.
In line with this, some perpetualites are also victim of these online hunters.

Blogger Feud
Miguel Imson, BSN
Being the short-fused person that I am, I see to it that I choose my battles wisely and compromise my anger into something a little more creative than just picking every opportunity to get angry. So I decided that I would be better off in a blogging site where I can exercise my creativity and at the same time, vent my anger without hurting any person who crosses my path. So I made a blogging site and I made sure that it was made private from all the people who are in the blog. I eventually got famous because of it at school, people copying my one-liners and enjoying the cunning mix of cynicism and wit that is my writing. And without apology, I might add. To make this long story short, it eventually got out and it beggared an inevitable face-off from all the people I’ve hurt. This is by far the scariest encounter I’ve had with people on the internet and I am praying to God, with much fervor, that it would be the last. I shut down the blog site and swore to God that I would never vent my anger online.

Simplyme, PT
I always surf the net after class in a internet café. Unfortunately, one day I just found out that someone hacked my account and kept on sending foul words to my friends..

Arrhon9102, RT
I always download videos and music on the net, and while I’m downloading my favorite song and window pop out, I closed it and all of a sudden my laptop shut down by itself and after opening it I found out that a virus killed my laptop!

Dad is a victim too…
Chaooo, BSN
I haven't experienced being duped on net, but my father had. his first facebook account was hacked due to interest on his poker chips.

Cadu tips to elude this bad online experiences
1. Be careful in choosing your email address be sure its not denote your real name, age and location
2. Choose a password that is difficult to crack- like this, h1o2w3a4r5e6y7o8u
3. Avoid using exaggeratedly playful names such as “kickmybutthottie24” or “sexynaughty_90”. They can easily magnetize online hunters.
4. Never reveal your passwords to anyone even to your friends. Remember this is your personal thing don’t let anyone invade your privacy.
5. Don’t post your phone numbers online.
6. If you are into forums and chatrooms never use your primary email address, use another one
7. Never give out your real name, age, address, password, school, and contact numbers.

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