Friday, October 22, 2010

Rewind.. and play!

I want to share to you guys the parties and get together i attended this first semester. It was really fun! Considering the fact that we need to meet our deadlines and our hospital duties which brought us stress from time to time. Nevertheless, we still find time to unwind, relax and PPPPPPAAAARRRTTTYYY! We student nurses deserves to have a relax/day off.. ;)
Okay let's start posting, shall we?

With my friends. (L-R) Mich, Ehle, Tan, yours truly and Shela. It's Michael's birthday Party held at Ate Trol's crib who's not in the picture. I figured out that i don't have pictures with the birthday boy (Michael)

Next in Line is Noah's House Party! Had fun too... They have a dart set at home and we played it. T'was really really fun!! I don't know how to play darts before and thanks to my friends who taught me some of its rules.

SHHHHOOOOOT ME! hahahahahaha. LMAO

who will ever forget our class President's house party. Here's the story, after Noah's party we went to Ate Mel's crib though it's kinda late evening still we went to her party. no doubt my classmates and i looooves to attend parties.

and lastly, the memorable western inspired party. ;)

If you are planning to throw a party, i'm willing to be your party organizer. ;)

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