Thursday, February 18, 2010

ow dad....

i browsed my dad’s name on Google and with one click his name appeared. And there you go i saw his Facebook account, actually dad didn’t tell me about it that’s why i am surprised when i saw he have one. (he also added RAY on his name… *why?*)

i read his wall and info. Added to this his relationship status is IT’S COMPLICATED. Does it mean he doesn’t love my mom at all? T.T

Upon reading his status, i texted my friends about it and i asked for their advice. (thanks guys)

i am worried about mom and dad’s relationship, I’m afraid that someday he will leave us. And i can’t take it!!!!!!! i swear!!

dad still love mom right?? :|

ow well. it’s just a status, Maybe dad accidentally clicked that IT’S COMPLICATED button…


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