Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Three frequent words I heard from my professors when I’m still in La Salle. They constantly reminding us to study, read and comprehend what we have studied. Kinda boring right? –well that’s college life! –Laughs-

Now I remember our spare times with my friends (in La Salle), we kept on reading and browsing our Anatomy and Physiology book and trying to understand the different parts of the body! ha ha ha. We have to study hard 'coz our passing grade is 80%, so if we get a 79.99 grade it means we FAILED! -sad- Oh c'mon! it's kinda tough, but at least I passed it!! Anyway, adding to this, our research paper in English and Filipino also gave us damn-traumatic days! Imagine we have to be online for 7 hours or more just to cease that project, then we have to prepare for the defense.

I missed those days, stressful yet happy days of my life.-Smiles-
Nevertheless, I’m happy now with my new university. I met new people, whom I considered “friends” and I used to get along with them all the time.

Am I too theatrical? Okay! Let’s stop this. I don’t want ya to be infuriated, in fact I have nothing to post on my blog, I just typed whatever or whomever comes to my mind and coincidentally- ta daah! I have something now to post. –Laughs-

I know you might think this post is gibberish, okay fine!
But please let me say this as you incessantly reading my “absurd” post. Wish me luck on my exam. –Smiles-

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