Thursday, September 3, 2009

Passion opposed to Interest

Teenagers nowadays are adventurous they want to try different things for experience even it will lead them to something worst.
– You know what I mean right?

But before that, what is Passion and Interest anyway? We have to delineate it so that teens will comprehend more, maybe some of them will suppose that it’s just the same, but beyond doubt there’s an immense disparity amid the two. So, Passion is a strong feeling or keenness on something else, alternatively Interest is a state where you do well for your own happiness.

Some of teens and even pre-teens today pamper themselves in theater acting, modeling, singing and many more. They want to accomplish something for a purpose and one of it is they want their teenage life to be fun and remarkable in the field they are into

(I suppose). But the problem is it is definitely tough to do your passion and interest at one fell swoop. In choosing one of it is like a domino that will incessantly make a good or bad result.
However, it still depends on the person how he or she will deal with it.

The main key on achieving it successfully is merely by balancing your time. Time is really significant, every seconds counts. So, if opportunities came grasp it! And do your 100% best. But don’t fail to remember other things that you have to work on to. Predominantly it was your studies, instead of practicing your singing piece or attending various auditions, go-sees and photo shoots why don’t you sit on your desk and study for a while. Remember your schooling is your stepping stone towards triumph and no one can take it from you.

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