Friday, September 25, 2009

Anything goes

Medical technology week is on track. Organizers are still hectic in preparing the line-up of activities somehow students show their support to them.

So for us writers, it is also hard-hitting! We have to attend all the activities they planned, cover it and make an article. Nevertheless I enjoyed working with them, I meet up knew people as well as the students, high officials and registered medical technologist.

The happiest part of being a writer or a member of press team is the verity that you able to be acquainted with what’s happening around you. You are rationalized on all the activities that your school is going through.

Monday, September 21, 2009

BSN-SBO Officers hold General Assembly

Last September 5, 2009 the student body organization officers from College of Nursing held their annual general assembly at the UPHS Auditorium, together with the class presidents, junior council, senior class presidents and SBO Officers The chairman for this year’s assembly is Kenneth D. Riomalos, SBO Secretary.

The objective of this event is to build stronger ties among the students and the council, and to present the SBO Officers and thereby discussing upcoming activities and projects.

The assembly started with presenting the line-up of activities for this year, and then the SBO Officers came back with all the questions, concerns and complains of the students and they retort on it intricately. Some of the concerns were the use of library, testing scan fee, and about the election. The council suggested that prior the election, candidates must have their room to room campaign so that the students will know them.

In addition to this, they also discussed about the upcoming Nurse’s week which will be held on October, and lastly the Founder’s Day which will be commemorated with a mass, parade and dance competition on September 10.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back! Back!

It’s been a long time since I post an entry here on my blog. I’m quite assiduous of school work, but now I have ample time to unwind! Lols. Hahaha. Actually I have no class on Tuesday because of NCAA. This week is not that harsh, I’ve been fighting for my grades ‘coz 2 of my demo are not been recorded by our C.I. possibly they are just busy of countless things, that’s why they forgot to record it. Hmmp. nonetheless no need to grumble about my grades, our adviser helped me to fix it but still I’m not pleased with my midterm grade in health care I really need to work on it! -sigh-

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Behind the Fame

Want to be chase by paparazzi and fans asking for your photo and autograph? How about doing some photo shoots for an endorsement. And of course the release of your self- titled album?

Well, for some. Being a celebrity is cool. Aside from its fame, earning money is quite easy. You just have to cry for a drama telenovela and the producer will pay you 60,000 pesos. That’s why some of us are dying to be famous. But are we aware that celebrity life is not effortless?

Privacy is important to us right? Even to celebrities, besides they are the same as we are, the difference is they are all the rage. So, celebrities are somewhat problematic how they will conceal some part of their life, as we all know their life is like an open book which anyone can read 24 hours a day, celebs are also aware how they will act when they are in public places and when meeting people because they don’t want others to make a bad impression about them, perhaps who wants to be in the headline of any news paper and be the talk of the town?

Celebs are expected to be good looking so they have to pamper more to make themselves presentable. Besides good- looks are their own asset to stay longer in the business, so if people saw them unattractive they will automatically make a bad opinion regarding it.

It is hard for Celebs to show who they really are, it’s because there is no guarantee that the people will like them, and they have to put their best foot forward to be liked. But the toughest job of being a celebrity is gaining the public’s respect.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Passion opposed to Interest

Teenagers nowadays are adventurous they want to try different things for experience even it will lead them to something worst.
– You know what I mean right?

But before that, what is Passion and Interest anyway? We have to delineate it so that teens will comprehend more, maybe some of them will suppose that it’s just the same, but beyond doubt there’s an immense disparity amid the two. So, Passion is a strong feeling or keenness on something else, alternatively Interest is a state where you do well for your own happiness.

Some of teens and even pre-teens today pamper themselves in theater acting, modeling, singing and many more. They want to accomplish something for a purpose and one of it is they want their teenage life to be fun and remarkable in the field they are into

(I suppose). But the problem is it is definitely tough to do your passion and interest at one fell swoop. In choosing one of it is like a domino that will incessantly make a good or bad result.
However, it still depends on the person how he or she will deal with it.

The main key on achieving it successfully is merely by balancing your time. Time is really significant, every seconds counts. So, if opportunities came grasp it! And do your 100% best. But don’t fail to remember other things that you have to work on to. Predominantly it was your studies, instead of practicing your singing piece or attending various auditions, go-sees and photo shoots why don’t you sit on your desk and study for a while. Remember your schooling is your stepping stone towards triumph and no one can take it from you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Three frequent words I heard from my professors when I’m still in La Salle. They constantly reminding us to study, read and comprehend what we have studied. Kinda boring right? –well that’s college life! –Laughs-

Now I remember our spare times with my friends (in La Salle), we kept on reading and browsing our Anatomy and Physiology book and trying to understand the different parts of the body! ha ha ha. We have to study hard 'coz our passing grade is 80%, so if we get a 79.99 grade it means we FAILED! -sad- Oh c'mon! it's kinda tough, but at least I passed it!! Anyway, adding to this, our research paper in English and Filipino also gave us damn-traumatic days! Imagine we have to be online for 7 hours or more just to cease that project, then we have to prepare for the defense.

I missed those days, stressful yet happy days of my life.-Smiles-
Nevertheless, I’m happy now with my new university. I met new people, whom I considered “friends” and I used to get along with them all the time.

Am I too theatrical? Okay! Let’s stop this. I don’t want ya to be infuriated, in fact I have nothing to post on my blog, I just typed whatever or whomever comes to my mind and coincidentally- ta daah! I have something now to post. –Laughs-

I know you might think this post is gibberish, okay fine!
But please let me say this as you incessantly reading my “absurd” post. Wish me luck on my exam. –Smiles-