Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sentiments of an only child

In my entire life I am dependent to my parents, I let them decide on my own, do whatever they say and follow them, I’m an subservient son and that’s how my parents sharpen me up as a person- to be obedient and respectful individual. I’m 20 years old by now and yet I’m still grounded by rules. I love my parents both father and mother, we actually have that close family ties thing, yeah! You read it right! Regardless of the fact that my father is a mile away from us and we seldom meet, the last time he went home is year 2006, so it’s almost six years since we met in particular. Hence, I’m very much close to my mom. I personally extol my parents for being compassionate to my endeavors and aspirations, I once remember my mom who became my personal assistant, road manager and manager in the play I joined before, she also showers me tons of fighting spirit every time I have singing contest. From then on, I could say I relied much my life to her. And now, I’m on my Young Adulthood stage, I want to be independent. I want to explore things and decide on my own. I’m no longer their bunso who always cry before, I am full-grown now, old enough to face the world and dwell its ambiguity. I already graduated from college and passed the nursing board exam but still, I am curbed by rules and regulations. One of it is my 10pm curfew (I can’t recite all, I’m sorry). Most of the time, I have to lie to my parents just to allow me to go home very late, its boorish I know, and I shouldn’t do that. Moreover, I understand the reason why they’re so over protective, it’s because I’m their only son, but I don’t get the idea that they have to decide on my own and be in command of my life. I felt like I’m a toy or a twig flowing in the river, I feel futile. And now, my prevalent predicament is how will I surmount this circumstances without hurting my parents, it would be easier said than done for me and to them as well. I’m yearning for the freedom and independency that I want to reach, I want to come to a decision on my own and learn from my mistakes, I want to grow as a person but how?? That is the HARDEST QUESTION I can’t answer until now. Furthermore, the answer to this dilemma of mine is still vague.

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