Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Success of a 20 year-old Nurse

After the long years of preparation, months of chaotic and demanding school schedule, weekly school programs and everyday class quizzes. Who ever thought that a emblematic student like me before is now a REGISTERED NURSE? Frankly speaking I'm still on a state of surprise. It feels like I am dreaming.

Now I remember those nerve-racking days way back college days, where in there's a point in my life that I want to step back a little bit and be a slothful ass just like others. But there's one thing that stopped me from getting into that situation, and I call them my “GOALS”. My goals serve as the fire that will bring light to my life and its heat as my guide to success. 

Well I guess my aspirations and devotion brought me to the walls closer to success. Yes! You read it right- Walls. Our goals are like walls, it’s up to you how will you face it and deal with it. You know what I did when I face my first wall? It’s simple, I used the strongest rope to reach its top and go cross above it.
On the flip side, I really can’t put across how happy I am right now; the feeling is times two of happiness just like winning a Million Dollars in the lottery. It’s a lifetime achievement for me and no one can take that attainment from me. I gave all my blood and sweats for that and nagsunog ako ng kilay para doon. This contentment I am feeling right now was just the expansion of the gladness that my parents and relatives felt.

Now my voyage as a nurse is just starting, the 2 letter R and N signifies dignity and responsibility; it is a calling that I need to be more caring and hard working. I guess, it’s time for me to open my mind and lengthen my caring hands to others. I will serve, and will render my service to my Filipino brothers and sisters.  And at this point of time, I’ll carry these 2 letters (RN) with me with pride, just, dignity and compassion as I help others and continue achieving my dreams.

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