Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Terrific vacay in Subic.

This July 2012, a week after our Nursing Licensure Exam my friends and I went to the striking island of Subic. Personally enjoyed the view and the scenery the place is just perfect, perfect to visit. We haven’t had the chance to check out some of the hotels in Subic but I’m sure it is one of a kind I mean it is something to look for- just like Subic itself. So what my friends and I did is we slept in the Kubos or nipa hut instead, which somehow is different and way better than staying in 5 star hotels.

These are the Nipa Huts where we slept.
Our first day in the island, our bags are ready-so are we!
Sailing to the other island, (i named it Jessant Island) haha! :)

I had fun chilling out with my friends all day-all night, with bottles of wine and sodas scattered on the white, soft and beautiful sands of the sea. We sang like it’s our last music piece in the karaoke, we dance like real dancers, and everyone is supah crazy that night. On the next day, we went to the other island where in we can see closely the coral reefs and the beauty of the deep sea; actually it took an hour of sailing from one island (where we stayed) to another. Nevertheless, I enjoyed everything, thought I was shuddering as we sailed back and forth. Moreover, some of my friends enjoyed picking up shells on the sea shore while for us we enjoyed the waves of the water. The sea water is just fresh as mineral water, and as the waves hit our bodies it’s like a massage which is indeed calming.
Last day in the island
Look how dark i am. hahah! :) I think i need gluta shots!! hahah
inside the kubo, we are playing cards that time.
Presenting my roomates :))
Banner we saw as we go to the island :)
heres the cuutiee patooottieee snails. :)
Getting ready to go home. Nonetheless, we had the best subic and friend bonding! :) Next stop, BORACAY!

Success of a 20 year-old Nurse

After the long years of preparation, months of chaotic and demanding school schedule, weekly school programs and everyday class quizzes. Who ever thought that a emblematic student like me before is now a REGISTERED NURSE? Frankly speaking I'm still on a state of surprise. It feels like I am dreaming.

Now I remember those nerve-racking days way back college days, where in there's a point in my life that I want to step back a little bit and be a slothful ass just like others. But there's one thing that stopped me from getting into that situation, and I call them my “GOALS”. My goals serve as the fire that will bring light to my life and its heat as my guide to success. 

Well I guess my aspirations and devotion brought me to the walls closer to success. Yes! You read it right- Walls. Our goals are like walls, it’s up to you how will you face it and deal with it. You know what I did when I face my first wall? It’s simple, I used the strongest rope to reach its top and go cross above it.
On the flip side, I really can’t put across how happy I am right now; the feeling is times two of happiness just like winning a Million Dollars in the lottery. It’s a lifetime achievement for me and no one can take that attainment from me. I gave all my blood and sweats for that and nagsunog ako ng kilay para doon. This contentment I am feeling right now was just the expansion of the gladness that my parents and relatives felt.

Now my voyage as a nurse is just starting, the 2 letter R and N signifies dignity and responsibility; it is a calling that I need to be more caring and hard working. I guess, it’s time for me to open my mind and lengthen my caring hands to others. I will serve, and will render my service to my Filipino brothers and sisters.  And at this point of time, I’ll carry these 2 letters (RN) with me with pride, just, dignity and compassion as I help others and continue achieving my dreams.