Friday, May 27, 2011


I’ll mull over this week as one of my hectic week, because I’m preparing for my first ever VTR in Bulacan. It’s fairly far in our place but it doesn’t matter. What’s imperative is to go there and showcase what I can offer. I practiced roughly every day I updated my modeling portfolio. To sum it up, I made it!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Makasalanan ka ba?

Lahat naman siguro tayo makasalanan.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

from @arisushen 'What was your first cellphone unit?'

Nokie 3315 LOL :)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

from @arisushen 'Who completes your day?'

Family & Friends.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

How do you unwind after a long day at school or work?

I'm such a homebody now. sometimes if i'm not in the mood to go out i sleep a lot. (And tweet as well. LOL)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

in five years, i want to be.................

A successful nurse and model as well. I still have lotsaf things to work on. Whew!! :)

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

When i want to blow off steam, i....

I go out with friends and enjoy the rest of the day with them.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

You're into modeling right? are you doing it just for money and fame? may i know the reason?

Nope. I'm not doing it for fame or money. Everything has to be organic. You don't go into something just to become famous.

ask me anything!!! ;) i will answer it candidly!! promise!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I can bear this! Yes i can.

Occasionally, I can ’stop asking myself why I’m besieged this way. (Not to bring up here), I wanna keep it concealed. Anyhow, most of them saying that life can’t be complete and abundant without problems and it depends on you how you’ll endure it. Problems undeniably add spices in our lives, but we have a propensity to give up most of the time. Same thing applies to me. Yes! in fact there’s a point in my life wherein I’m really depressed and knotty and the only remedy that I want to do is to kill myself, but thanks to my superego for saving me. I’m not like this before I treat problems as if they’re my toys. I just play with it. At this point, every time I feel so down and desperate, I always ask God for his guidance and care. I deem his presence is the paramount remedy. And through him, I can bear all my problems and deal with it as if they do not exist.