Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Its been a long time since i post an entry here in my blog. I kept on staring on the screen and i haven't came up of something interesting to post or write. Hmm, I guess my brain is still on bed weather mode though. LOL. By the way just to share, before entering this post, i had a hard time accessing my blogger account due to wrong password, and all of sudden I thought of transferring to other blog site though, but with the help of my archive files i was able to re-access it again. I blame myself for this 'coz for some reason i abandoned my only avenue of sharing thoughts. Okay, so just to give you an update on what's happening to me I am currently working as a Psychiatric Nurse in a Custodial Psychiatric Unit which is 2 kilometers away from home, its been a challenging field for me 'coz ever since i never imagine that i'll be working in a Psychiatric Unit and besides i guess Psychiatric Nursing is not my forte. Moreover,  the people around me, the place and of course the patients, every aspect needs to have an abrupt adjustment. However, working in that facility is quite fun and exciting 'coz i'm working together with my closest college friends and facilitating helpful therapeutic activities for the patients.

Till here. thanks for reading! :))