Sunday, January 16, 2011

I miss youu blogger

hello my dear blogger, its been a long time since i posted an entry here. i was busy in school this past few days and weeks, my school schedule really sucks. Org works and assignments. AAAWWW! Imagine how my life became miserable because of these things?

if you would ask me what's new.. hmm.... i dunno what to say, i'm really hesitant to share it to you guys, i'm afraid that my friends might talk about it and ask me questions i never want to hear and answer. However, i'm happy on what's happening in my life right now especially the ****** part.
Hey! don't think its SEX huh... I'm not that kind of person and perhaps im not into it!

Thinking i'm in love?
I dunno!
can't answer it. ;)