Monday, December 20, 2010

My 19th Birthday Bash!

its my 19th bday celebration at Tokyo Tokyo. i would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all my friends who attended my party, especially to those who waited in our house. hehe. :)

Surprise Party!

Last December 18, 2010. My friends organized a surprise birthday party for me held at Ate Trol's crib. I am really surprised that time and i am really really happy. Its my first time to experience that kind of overflowing happiness, and i owe it all to my friends. sniff! sniff!

i am really surprised. that's why i hugged Ate Trol as a sign of thankfulness and happiness.

the epitome is.. I'm really thankful to those who are always beside me, to support and give advices to me especially to my God our savior, my parents and friends.. without you guys i will be weaker. thanks for raising me up every time i feel so down. I love you guys!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action

Who ever thought that nursing students has a film-making project? Yes! That's true! we had this Film-making project wherein we have to give our 100% dedication and power for this because its a inter-section competition, and our section is really competitive to win this year's cine psycho festival.

The title of our film is THE WEDDING directed by Miguel Imson and Michael Alcalde. happy to say i'm one of the actors and i'm the script writer too.. I want to share the story here on my blog, but i'm afraid that someone will follow the theme and copy it.

Actually, we've been very busy for this since this project was given, from conceptualization up to the production staff. But, despite that it became a bonding moment for all of us. we enjoyed while we are doing each scenes though, there are also times wherein we experienced conflicts and cat fights.

Holding the clapper behind me are the production staff

BREAK TIME.... time to eat. ;)

getting ready for my scene....
we just arrived for the next location
wedding scene... i'm with Nash.. ;)

if its not our scene.. this what we do.. (take pictures)
w/ the assistant director... ;)

i will upload more photos soon.. ;)