Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet the Team!

Who ever thought that a loser like me will be promoted as Managing Editor of our school paper.
I admit that my articles and grammars is not that good, and it came to the point that i started to ponder and ask myself why they chose me to be one? Hmmmm. Still clueless.

Nevertheless i'm so happy about it. It is a vast achievement for me. ;)
Last Saturday, August 14, 2010 we had our Mini Photoshoot in school. Speaking of Photoshoots i miss doing so.... ;) I miss the camera, the studio, stylists, make-up artists, photographers and of course my co-models whom i worked with...

Okay then, we're getting to far from the Topic... HAHA. sorry!!

Meet the CNO Team. Where's Ate Rina and Patrick?? HEHE

Editorial Board, CNO
(L-R) Circulation Editor, Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor (me)


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets reminisce

i set this day as my rest day after the LOOOONG and NERVE RACKING Go-see this morning, then after that. I decided to open my laptop surf the net and browse some of my social networking sites.
And luckily i was be able to find these two pictures... it was taken a years ago.. HAHA... see the changes in my physical appearance??? HAHA.. LMAO!!