Wednesday, May 26, 2010


here are some of our Splashing Fun day at Splash island.

->its me! eating our snack. ZAGU ang HotDog with Buns.

->Go team!!! HAHA. guess what.. are we really playing??? haha

-> picture taking before we slide...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alien and Gothic Photoshoot by Sir Mike

Check it out! these are my new photos. Thanks to Sir Mike!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SCHOOL is gently killing me.

as the summer term resume, stress strikes back. no wonder why sometimes i prefer to sleep rather hanging out with my friends, it seems that i always lose my energy especially when i have to study my notes every night for a quiz tomorrow, actually it became my routine.

and now, as the summer term is about to end, pressure and stress is killing me more.
Unit exams, pre-final exams, quizzes, case study and many more. I wish i have 2 body so that i could accomplish all these things as well as my errands at home.

But after this HELL week! i'll rest and give myself a treat for a job well done.. ( for surviving these HELL DAYS)